Stambaugh Youth Concert Band Member Blog
Rehearsal Reminder for 10-3
SYCB Members,
Thank you all for a great 2nd rehearsal on Tuesday! Please remember to listen to the provided recordings to assist in learning your parts, and to learn how your part fits into the greater. A reminder as well that communication is key regarding absences and late arrivals. Please continue to do a good job of this.
Rehearsal October 3
- 5:00: Jazz Ensemble
- 6:00: SYCB Rehearsal begins
Have a great week and we look forward to seeing you on Tuesday evening!
Mr. Husosky, Dr. Ferguson, Mr. Sensabaugh
Rehearsal Reminder for 2-7
SYCB Members,
Thank you for a great rehearsal this past Tuesday evening. We are really making a lot of great progress on our Spring Concert repertoire! Keep up the good work with practicing, and keep listening to the reference recordings.
Below you will find the schedule for Tuesday, February 28, Spring Program book advertising, and information about the Youngstown State University Flute Festival.
5:00-5:45pm: Jazz Ensemble
6:00-6:15: Announcements/Warm-Ups
6:15-6:40: Chaminade Flute Concerto
6:40-6:45: Cenotaph
6:50-7:10: Song For Lyndsay
7:10-7:20: Champion Spirit March
7:20: Break/Percussion Ensemble Rehearsal
7:40-8:30: Mambo Perro Loco A Longford Legend
Applications for the Barbara Armstrong Scholarship will be made available on Tuesday. Any senior band members interested in this opportunity, please see Mr. Husosky for an application.
We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday evening!
Mr. Husosky, Dr. Ferguson, and Mr. Sensabaugh
Rehearsal on March 7, 2023 has been CANCELLED!
The rehearsal for Tuesday, March 7, 2023, has been cancelled. Due to a few conflicts, we have decided it is best that we take Tuesday, March 7 off; however, we urge you to continue to practice your music!
Spring Program Book Advertising
Forms for program book advertising are available now! The Stambaugh Youth Concert Band program would not be possible without the support of our sponsors. Please share this form with your friends and family. All sponsors will be recognized in the program books for each of the performances.
Win a $100 Amazon Gift Card!
Participate in our program book advertising push and win an Amazon gift card. The student who returns the largest dollar amount of paid program book advertising will receive the prize!
The Youngstown State University Flute Festival will be held at
Bliss Hall (453 Wick Ave Youngstown, OH) on
Saturday, March 18th, 9AM-5PM.
Registration will take place in the morning off the event!
Rehearsal Reminder for 2-7
SYCB Members,
Thank you for a great rehearsal this past Tuesday evening, and thank you to those students participating in the SYCB Jazz Ensemble. It is exciting to have this band start.
Below is the schedule for Tuesday, February 7. As always, your attendance is crucial for the success of the ensemble, and please communicate any absences with us.
5:00-5:45pm: Jazz Band
6:00-8:30pm: Sectionals. Please see the display at the entrance of the building to find your location as it may be different than last semester’s location.
Percussion: Please be ready with your parts for the percussion ensemble. We will begin rehearsing it on Tuesday.
Have a great week and we look forward to seeing you on Tuesday evening!
Mr. Husosky, Dr. Ferguson, Mr. Sensabaugh
Rehearsal Reminder for 1-31
SYCB Members,
Thank you again for a very productive rehearsal last Tuesday evening. As a reminder, please communicate any absences with us. Your attendance is critical for the success of the ensemble.
We will be starting the SYCB Jazz Ensemble on Tuesday, January 31 beginning at 5:00pm in the Concert Hall. We are excited for this new opportunity! Please bring your instrument (drum set, guitar, etc) and any amps or other gear that you need for those instruments if it applies.
5:00-6:00: Jazz Ensemble rehearsal
6:00-6:10: Announcements/Warm-Ups/Tune
6:10-6:35: Chaminade Flute Concerto featuring Anna Joy
6:35-6:50: Cenotaph
6:50-7:20: Song for Lyndsay
7:30-7:45: Champion Spirit March
7:45-8:30: Longford Legend, Mambo Perro Loco
Have a great week and we look forward to seeing you on Tuesday evening!
Mr. Husosky, Dr. Ferguson, Mr. Sensabaugh
Rehearsal Reminder for 1-24
SYCB Members,
Thank you again for a great and productive rehearsal this past week. As a reminder, please communicate any absences with us during this busy time of year. Your attendance is crucial!
Please click here to fill out the SYCB Jazz Ensemble interest form. We look forward to getting started!
6:00-6:15: Announcements/Warm-Ups
6:15-6:40: Chaminade Flute Concerto featuring Anna Joy
6:40-7:05: Cenotaph
7:05-7:25: Song for Lyndsay
7:35-7:50: Champion Spirit March
7:50-8:30: Longford Legend, Mambo Perro Loco
Have a great week and we look forward to seeing you on Tuesday evening!
Mr. Husosky, Dr. Ferguson, Mr. Sensabaugh
Rehearsal Reminder for 1-17
SYCB Members,
Thank you for a great rehearsal last week. Please communicate any absences with us, as it is a busy time of year.
Please click here to fill out the SYCB Jazz Ensemble interest form. We look forward to getting started!
6:00-6:10: Warm-Ups
6:10-6:30: Champion Spirit
6:30-6:50: Song for Lyndsay
6:50-7:25: Cenotaph
7:35-8:30: Longford Legend, Mambo Perro Loco
Have a great week and we look forward to seeing you on Tuesday evening!
Mr. Husosky, Dr. Ferguson, Mr. Sensabaugh
Rehearsal Reminder for 1-10
Welcome back and thank you for a GREAT first rehearsal! As always, your attendance is critical for the success of the ensemble. Remember to please communicate absences with us at [email protected]. Attached is the information packet with a detailed rehearsal schedule and concert dates for the Spring semester.
Next week, our rehearsal will end at 8:00 pm to allow time for Senior Solo auditions. Please communicate this to your rides for pick up.
We will hold senior solo auditions on Tuesday, January 10, 2023 at 8:00 pm following SYCB rehearsal. An accompanist is not required for senior solo auditions, but it does help if there is one. Please make sure there is a band arrangement of the accompaniment for your solo as well. Please schedule your senior solo audition by calling 330-747-5175.
Included in this post is the rehearsal schedule as well as audio for the repertoire. Please listen to these to become more familiar with the music and your individual parts.
- 6:00-6:10: Warm-Ups
- 6:10-6:30: Champion Spirit
- 6:30-6:50: Song for Lyndsay
- 6:50-7:15: Cenotaph
- 7:15-7:55: Longford Legend, Mambo Perro Loco
Have a great week and we look forward to seeing you on Tuesday evening!
Mr. Husosky, Dr. Ferguson, Mr. Sensabaugh
SYCB Spring 2023 Reminders
We will resume rehearsals on Tuesday, January 3, 2023.
We will hold senior solo auditions on Tuesday, January 10, 2023 at 8:00 pm following SYCB rehearsal. An accompanist is not required for senior solo auditions, but it does help if there is one. Please make sure there is a band arrangement of the accompaniment for your solo as well. Please schedule your senior solo audition by calling 330-747-5175.
Attached is the informational packet that was passed out at the beginning of the Fall semester for your reference. This includes the schedule for the Spring semester. If you have not turned in a personnel form, please do so on January 3. Dues of $85 per student / per school year are also due if they have not already been paid.
Finally, if you know of someone who would be a good addition to the band, please have them contact us at [email protected] or by calling 330-747-5175 to schedule an audition on January 3 between 5:00 pm and 5:40 pm.
We hope you have a wonderful and safe holiday season! We look forward to seeing you all again on January 3rd for the beginning of an exciting Spring semester.
Mr. Husosky, Dr. Ferguson, Mr. Sensabaugh
Fall 2022 Wrap Up
Good morning SYCB members!
Thank you for a FANTASTIC performance Tuesday night! We are so proud of your hard work and dedication this semester in preparing a demanding program in a short amount of time. Congratulations!
Looking ahead, our first rehearsal back will be on Tuesday, January 3, 2023 from 6:00-8:30pm. Students auditioning for the Senior Solo will do so on Tuesday, January 10, beginning at 8:00pm. A reminder that solos need to have a band accompaniment available for the band to perform. Students may, use a piano accompanist for the audition. Please let us know if you have any questions regarding the senior solo.
Lastly, if you know of any students who would be interested in joining the SYCB for the Spring semester, we would love to have them. Please have them send an email to [email protected]. They will need to audition on January 3rd before the first rehearsal.
There is an exciting Spring semester planned, with great music. We hope that you all have a great holiday season! See you in 2023.
Mr. Husosky, Dr. Ferguson, Mr. Sensabaugh
Dress Rehearsal Reminder
SYCB Members,
This is a reminder that tonight is our dress rehearsal from 6:00-8:30pm. We are very proud of your hard work and progress in the short amount of time that we have rehearsed together. Attendance is mandatory, and please note that you do not need to “dress up” for this rehearsal.
Concert: Tomorrow, Tuesday, November 15th. Arrival time is at 6:00pm, followed by a light rehearsal/tuning/final logistics. The performance will begin at 7:30pm. Please encourage family members and guests to purchase tickets online ahead of time to reduce the amount of time spent in line at the box office before the performance.
Concert Dress:
Gentlemen: White long sleeve dress shirt, black necktie (no bowties), black jacket optional, black pants, black shoes, black socks. No colorful ties, no patterned ties permitted.
Ladies: All black; (please be mindful of your placement on the stage)
Thank you all again for your hard work and dedication this semester! We look forward to seeing you tonight.
Mr. Husosky, Dr. Ferguson, Mr. Sensabaugh
Important Information
Student/Parent Meeting – 9/21/2020
Watch Below ⬇️
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