100 Years of Arts, Entertainment, and Culture Under Three Roofs in Youngstown Area Venues!
Stambaugh Auditorium, DeYor Performing Arts Center, and The Youngstown Playhouse are in need of your help to ensure this lasting legacy continues for another century!

Stambaugh Auditorium Roof Project
During a storm on January 9, 2024, wind pulled a portion of panels off the roof of Stambaugh Auditorium, which caused additional damage, leaving the entire roof of the facility in need of replacement. The damage caused is extensive and will require a full replacement to maintain the long-term integrity of the building. The entirety of the project is estimated at $8 million dollars, with funds from the One Time Strategic Community Fund joined with insurance claim funds, as well as additional sources currently being secured.
Read more about the Stambaugh Auditorium roof project below!

DeYor Performing Arts Center Roof Project
From its construction in 1931, the Powers Auditorium roof has protected the 2,300 seat Auditorium from the weather. However, with leaks occuring throughout the facility, causing plaster and paint damage to the ceilings and walls, it’s clear that the current roof has reached the end of it’s life and is in great need of replacement. While the Youngstown Symphony Society has repaired much of the leaks and water damage inside the building, these quick fixes are only temporary. A new roof is the only way to ensure that the integrity of the building, both cosmetically and structurally, remains intact.

The Youngstown Playhouse Roof Project
Since 1959, The Youngstown Playhouse has been critically positioned as an anchor for the Glenwood Avenue Corridor. Unfortunately, due to natural affects and age, the current roofing system on the facility is in desperate need of repair. Consisting of seven separate sections, the roof has received many sets of patches and repairs over the years dating back to construction of the building. Standing water, haphazard seals, and splitting and cracking of base flashings have been a growing problem over the years and have now brought the roof to the end of its lifespan, requiring a full replacement as soon as possible to prevent damage to the interior of the facility.
On January 9, 2024, Stambaugh Auditorium sustained substantial damage when wind during a storm pulled a portion of panels from the roof of the building. Because of how the roof panels fit together, this then caused additional damage to the remainder of the roof.
The damage sustained that day requires the Auditorium to undergo a full replacement to the roof of the facility in order to maintain that the facility is not further damaged internally, as well as structurally.
Since its opening in 1926, Stambaugh Auditorium has been a proud gem for the people in the community of Youngstown, proudly supporting the cultivation of the arts in honor of Youngstown area businessman, Henry H. Stambaugh. As instructed in his will, Henry Stambaugh’s Auditorium was to be a center created for the people of Yougnstown. The Auditorium was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1984, at the age of 58. Now, at almost 100 years, the building still functions as a center for the arts.
Now, you can help ensure that Stambaugh Auditorium continues its legacy of cultivation of the arts for the next 100 years by supporting with your generous gift!
Thank You
This project would not have been possible without the generosity and support of the community.
The Stambaugh Auditorium Board of Directors and staff members would like to thank the following donors for their generous support of this project: